Light – Medium amount but consistent light is needed, but you must always avoid direct sun. North or east facing balconies/ windows should bring about the magic.
Watering – Water only when the soil starts to dry out.
Humidity – Loves occasional misting.
Feeding – A weak all purpose feed once every 2 weeks is necessary for glossy and bright leaves.
Re-potting – May be essential only once in couple of years.
Propagation – The easiest way is to divide. In plants that are well cared for, division is easy.
Speed of Growth – Slow. Reaches a max height of about 4′-0 to 5′-0.
Air-purifying – This plant cleans the indoor air of toxins like benzene, and other chemicals that are present in aerosol sprays.
Tips – These plants do not like too much sunlight or too much water. Protect from both.