Areca Palm (Areca Lutescens) – This is a very low-maintenance houseplant that is primarily grown for its resplendent leaves. It is a very hardy plant and can tolerate over-watering and under-watering and grows well in semi-shaded areas. Mudfingers recommends this for new gardeners. This plant is planted in ceramic pot for added elegance and an everlasting new-look. Thrives in a space with good partial light and air circulation.
Light – Thrives well in partial shade or well lit indoors. If kept completely in shaded areas, do put this handsome outside once a week for good Sun.
Soil – Very well drained sandy mixture.
Watering – Very drought tolerant plant. Water once in 3-4 days during winters and everyday in summers.
Feeding – A weak all purpose feed once in 2 weeks is more than sufficient.
Repotting – Areca palm does not enjoy being re-potted very often, so re-pot only when the pot cracks from growth.
Propagation – Very easy to propagate. Divide the plant during re-potting.
Speed of Growth – Slow